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Live, Interactive Real Estate License Exam Prep Class!

While most people fail the state exam on their first try, our licensing classes have a record of an over 90% exam pass rate!

If you plan to take the California state exam, it’s a good idea to have extra-focused exam preparation and review!

Taught by veteran Real Estate Broker and Investor Gregg Watkins, this class has helped many students obtain their license.

This Real Estate Exam “Cram” class covers all the important material needed to pass the state exam.

Class fee includes a real estate exam prep guide, practice tests with 900 sample questions, terms and definitions, “hot sheets” of exam questions, math review and test-taking tips.

The class is 4 weeks, and meets on Thursdays, from 6-9pm starting on October 24.

To register for this or other real estate licensing classes, go to: Poway Adult School

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